As the plague wreaks havoc on the human race, don’t lose sight of God’s
warning to a world that has entirely rejected Him, who has created, maintained.
and sustained us for His own purpose; and commanded us to worship Him for
who He is, the creator, giver and sustained of all things. Thinking people are
not content to be told that these strange happenings in the scientific, social and
economic world are merely accidental and will soon disappear.
Is the bible the word of God, has He warned us that these things would
overtake us if we failed to obey His instructions; do we have examples from
which to draw? To all of these the bible answered yes, starting with Adam’s
disobedience; and not Eve’s. According to Gen.2/15-17 after God created the
man God put him in His Garden with a strict command that he could eat of
every tree of the Garden except one, and the day he should eat of it “he would
surely die”. In this command the man was given the power of choice, he
recognizes the authority of his creator, the boundaries of his freedom and the
severe penalties for disobeying (Eve was yet unborn); compare Deu.28 where
God instructed Moses to pen, for our benefit, the prosperity associated with
obeying His commands versus the disaster that accompanied disobedience.
Consider God’s Ten Commandments as stepping stones to Heaven. Miss one
and we are sure to fall. Jam.2/10 puts it like this, “Break one you break all”.
This is where God’s justice is applied. (Giving you what you deserve). We
break His law, we suffer the punishment. Yes, He will help us up to continue
our heaven bound journey if we ask Him. This is His mercy (stopping us from
getting that which we deserve – eternal death). Having lift us up to continue our
journey, we receive grace. That’s why preachers shout, ” you are saved by
grace alone” without telling their hearers that unless they fall, (breaking God’s
commandments) they don’t need grace.
Paul argued that a sinner is under the law and its penalty until he/she receives
grace. Then in Rom.6/1 Paul asked,”Shall we continue sinning that we may
receive more grace; and in verse 15

he asked, “shall we sin because we are not under the law but under grace? In
both questions the answer is no. Paul is saying that once we receive grace God
does not expect us to continue in the same sin pattern. As result of this
relationship between law and grace, it is safe to conclude that God has only one
church, namely: All His children who strive to obey all of His commandments,
without respect to race, colour or gender. If you believe this statement, then
read on, if not, then stop reading before you commit sin.
The spiritual battle between good and evil (God and Satan) is over worship and
worship alone.
Any challenge to God or His words is evil, period. It started with Eve in the
Garden of God. Why Eve? Because Satan’s objective was to control Adam,
created in God’s image; but it was not possible since Adam possessed God’s
nature, Gen.1/27; 2/7, 2/19 and scripture clearly states that he that is born of
God cannot sin because God’s seed remain in him., 1Jn.3/9; Jn.1/13. Satan
knew he could not trip Jesus in the wilderness, because, like Adam, Jesus bears
the image of God. So, Satan’s only hope was through Eve (one with Adam’s
DNA, see Gen. 2/22, 6/1-2, 1Cor.11/7). What a success? So Adam rebelled
against God and Satan captured the human race and the battle rages on with
Satan creating an opposite of whatever is good to the benefit of God and man..

Ponder for a moment the feeling of a merciful God, who, through the nation of
Israel, gave the human race Ten specific commands, as a transcript of His
character and His desire to reconcile man back to Himself after the fall.
Among them He specified that man should remember to worship Him and rest
from their labour on the 7th

day of the week; because it is special to Him in that

He too rested on the 7th

day after completing His work of creating the universe,
Gen.2/2. To assist us in remembering the day, He set that day apart from the
other six by ordaining it “Holy” and called it His Sabbath, Ex.31/13 and His
Holy Day Isa.58/13. Furthermore, He attached special blessings to its
observance, Isa.58/13-14. Once again, man rebelled. No wonder He said that it
grieved Him at the heart and He regretted that He made man, Gen.6/6.
But why would Satan want a rest day? Simple, because he wants to be like
God, Ezk.28/2-3; and God has one; the 7th

day identifies God as the creator. To
be like God, Satan must without fail, have a rest day and a church, being the
prince of this world, Jn.12/31,14/30; it is necessary to confirm his earthly
authority, Job 1/7. Then where is Satan’s church? Once we have identify God’s
church as the one obedient to His will, then all else belong to Satan. There is no
independent church, we are either campaigning for God or Satan, and we
cannot campaign for God without obeying His commands, Jn.15/14. The
question which arise naturally from this statement is whether a merciful God,
who said that He does not wish that any should perish, accepts the worship of
the Christian world of today that established its own day and reasons for their
worship of Him?
There are only two kind of sinners in existence, represented by Adam or Eve.
Adam showed no acknowledgment nor remorse according to scripture; instead,
he cast blame and finger pointing
exhibiting a rebellious and stubborn attitude, much like Trump. Sinners with
Adams attitude surely will receive God’s justice. Eve appears to be more
admissive and sorry for her wrong; ‘I was deceived’ she replied, (deception
immediately rob us of our power of choice). To this type of sinner, God is
calling to come out from amongst the world system including the false
religious systems, (Babylon, Rev.18/1-3). “Come out of her my people that you
be not partaker of her sins and receive not of her plagues” v.4.
” If you love me, obey my commandments”, Jesus said, Jn.14/15; Again He
said:’You are my friends if you do what I command you’, Jn.15/14. for this is
the love of God, that we obey His commandments, 1Jn.5/3; He that say I know
Him and obey not His commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him,
1Jn.2/4; Let us not love God in words neither in tongue but in deed and in
truth, says 1Jn.3/18; and David sums it up this way: “Let us hear the conclusion
of the whole matter, Honour God and obey His commandments for this is the
WHOLE duty of man”, Eccl.12/13.
It would appear from the verses above that obedience to God’s commandments
is a prerequisite to reaching heaven after obtaining grace; as Paul asked us, “do
we sin because we are not under the law but under grace? Rom.6/15. How
should I worship God then, according to His dictates or according to my own
convenience, tradition or the commandments of man? You be my Judge.
Scripture record the story of king Saul whom God commanded to go and
utterly destroy the Amalekite nation with their possesions. Saul went; but
brought back from the battle the Amalekites’ king and choiced animals. When
confronted by Samuel, he replied, ‘Yes, I have obeyed the voice of the Lord
………and have utterly destroyed the Amalekites’. Samuel then assured him that
God was more interested in obedience rather than sacrifice, after Saul blamed
his army for taking back the animals to sacrifice to the Lord. Samuel further
explained that rebellion was like witchcraft and stubbornness was like idolatry,
1Sam.15/1-25.Would you not agree that this is a powerful lesson for us on the
subject of strict obedience to God’s will ? Note too, that in his quest for mercy,

Saul turned to Samuel instead of going to the Lord. Do we have Christians
today who seek repentance through man?
Some say the commandments were given to ancient Israel only; some say it
was nailed to the cross; some say it was changed by reason of Christ
resurrection on a Sunday; some point to John’s statement in Rev.1/10 as proof
of a Sabbath change. However, none of these statements are biblical and all
are, without exception, the doctrines of man as agents of the devil in the
creation of his own church.
Be not deceived. John, under inspiration by the Holy Spirit, could only be
referring to the Sabbath day as the “Lord’s day” since he walked with the one
who claimed lordship over the Sabbath, without any change from the original
created in Gen.2/2-3. This same John later in his vision declared that we should
worship the creator of heaven and earth, Rev.14/7. It seems almost impossible
to truly and truthfully worship the creator without respecting the day He set
apart as His memorial, Ex.20/10-11. Furthermore, in v.12 John, declared, “Here
are the patience of the saints and they that keep the commandments of God and
the faith of Jesus”, in what appears to be an identification of God’s true church.
Let me hasten to say that I don’t believe that John here, was referring to the
Seventh Day Adventist religionists or any other religious denomintion
Allow me to say that I have yet to find where God asked us to be religious; but
He said ‘Be holy as I am holy. In other words, be righteous, do the right thing.
So, if I take hold of Isa.58/13 refraining from doing my own work and delight
myself in His Sabbath; accept that as a child of God, there is a rest day
appointed for me, Heb.4/8; accept that His commandments speak individually
to me; accept that the day was made for man to rest, as Jesus said, then I
believe that I have fulfilled its requirements, devoid of any religious
denomination or affiliation. True, iron sharpeneth iron; and we should not
forsake the assembling of the brethern, says scripture, but do I sin by not going
to church? Like Jesus said, ‘the Sabbath was made for man’ to enjoy its true
benefits and blessings that flow from honouring its creator. In other words,
none of the commandments dictate that I should identify with a religious
My belief becomes more practical during this pandemic and will be more

acceptable as technology increases and Satan continues to expand his one-
world government system through governmental restrictions. Wait! Can you

unravel the reasons behind the following events: Is God gradually withdrawing
His Spirit from man? Gen.6/3 – nature is rapidly changing. The European
Union including Italy ( Rome), and the Americas almost entirely controlled by
the Roman Catholic religion and its daughters -the Sunday churches, Rev.17/3-

  1. The removal of Hilary Clinton for an angel of the devil here in the U S. Even
    the death of a liberal supreme court judge which triggers the appointment of a
    quasi religionist to complete a 6 to 3 split in favour of the devil’s plan. Check
    out the rapid growth of homo and same sex relationship internationally. In fact,
    just last week the Pope gave his blessing to this relationship; and this Monday
    the Media reported that Catholic church in France went to court to fight against
    the lockdown affecting the church; and you might have read about the Jewish
    church and the Catholic who went to court against the New York Governor who
    sought to limit their church attendance due to the pandemic, and won. Could
    these be God’s church I wondered?
    Then this plague, which man labeled a virus, because they refuse to accept
    God’s definition. Through Satan’s deception, they believe it will go away soon
    and things will return to normal; despite the fact that there isn’t a single country
    that remains untouched by its ravages. Ponder the mask, the social distancing,
    the international restriction on travel and the economic fallout; not to mention
    the mental, physical, social and emotional damage. Watch this worldwide
    vaccine drive and its ID card in relation to Rev.13/16-17. Could it be fake news
    when the media, reported that the UN warned that some fourteen countries are
    at high risk of experiencing ‘famine of biblical proportion’ starting in 2021

unless help starts flowing now? To believe that the worst is just around the
corner is to understand bible prophecies.
May God help us through this time of trouble while we consider the call to
worship our creator.