“Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven” Matt.6:10.

Does heaven here refer to God’s throne or His kingdom, and what is His will pertaining to mankind?

The bible speaks of the ‘kingdom of heaven implying that there are inhabitants in this heavenly kingdom. In fact, we are reminded in Isa.14:12 that Satan was thrown out of that kingdom because of disobedience. It goes without saying that a Kingdom is ruled by a king; whose laws and rules are designed to foster a family-like relationship between the king and his subjects and amongst the subjects themselves. Consequently, the prime desire and will of the king would be strict obedience to his laws and precepts. Therefore, what Jesus is here teaching in Matt. 6:10 is that His father desires and demands that His laws be obeyed here on earth as they are obeyed in His heavenly kingdom.

So, unlike an earthly king who depends on his subjects for security and sustenance, God our creator, king and sustainer had provided for our existence and security before He made us. Just scan Gen. 1: 26, 2:16-17. Ponder the command in verse 17 and note the result of disobeying this law. Would it not be devilish to argue that God’s will for Adam’s security and happiness was not the purpose for this command, considering that after creating him, God expressed His pleasure in His creation by exclaiming that it was very good, Gen. 1:31?

Having searched the bible and examined the various applications of God’s will, it is my opinion that His will is as wide as His plan of creation; it is fixed and cannot be altered, just like His word; often expressed in commands and edicts; especially as they pertain to man’s safety, happiness and security. It is like a GPS to be obeyed by His kingdom-family seekers; just follow the instructions and the destination is certain; but any diversion without further help spells doom for the traveler. Just, listen to Jesus in Jn. 17:4 confessing His obedience to His father’s will. Elijah was expressing God’s will when he shut up the sky for 3 1/2 years, Lk. 4:25. It was God’s will that Elijah remain in the cave and be daily fed by a vulture as he flee from Ahab, 1 Kings. 17:4-6; and how many times did Paul state that it was God’s will that he be known as the Apostle to the Gentiles? Furthermore, His will can be universal or specific as it relates to man.

God’s will include laws and ordinances designed to promote a family relationship with those of us who desire to be members of His kingdom-family. In particular, He has penned for us, ten specific laws known as the Ten Commandments, as an expression of His Holy Character and Righteous will; that, if obeyed, will lead us to His heavenly kingdom. No wonder Jesus explained that His father’s law will survive the passing of heaven and earth, Matt. 5:18 and in Matt. 7:21 He explained that only obedience to His father’s will can secure a place in His father’s kingdom. It can hardly be denied that Jesus is here referring to the Ten Commandments, since He also said, “If you love me, keep (obey) my commandment”, Jn. 14:15 and 1 Jn. 2:23 said that if we love the Son we love the father also.

The conclusion then, is that we cannot believe in Christ Jesus without obedience to His will, the Ten Commandments.

What about grace? Grace appears to have been a special case of unmerited pardon exemplified by the story of the thief on the cross; who begged for mercy after recognizing that he broke God’s law; and was gifted with this special grace, Lk. 23:42-43; special, because ‘all have sinned’ but only those who have repented will receive this gift. Special: because we have all disobeyed the law and are condemned to eternal death.  Let me hasten to say that, had this thief had the opportunity, after receiving grace, to obey God’s law (His will) and failed, he would need more grace to qualify for God’s kingdom, Rom. 6: 1,15. To understand clearly that grace does not and cannot nullify God’s law just follow Paul in Rom. Chapter 6.

Back to God’s will! Most Christians today, professing to love Jesus, say: “Give me my Jesus; we are no longer under the law, but under grace as a result of His death on the cross. Jesus abolished the law; so we need only to believe in Him and we will be saved”. They forget that the only proof of their love for Him is a strict obedience to His commandments, Jn. 14:15. They forget that Jesus said that He and His father are one, Jn. 10: 30; what is mine is thine and what thine is mine, Jn. 17:10; therefore, His father’s law becomes His law also. They forget that He said that He did not come to destroy the law, Matt: 5:17, but to magnify it, Isa. 42:21. They forget that He said that only obedience to His father’s will can secure an entry to His father’s kingdom, Matt. 7: 21. They do not accept that only through obedience to the principles of this law can we discover God’s will for our lives.  Having trample His law, it is still God’s will that all people be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth,1Tim. 2: 3-4. What is that truth? ‘All thy commandments are truth’, Ps. 119: 142,151. One cannot separate God’s holy law from His will because His Holy Law is an expression of His character; and His will, through which basic ethical principles are revealed is the basis of His holy character. How then, can man be righteous outside of obedience to God’s law? Not possible! Jesus said, “If you love me keep my commandments, Jn. 14:15. Righteousness is the direct result of obedience to His law. Ps. 40:8, Deu. 6:25, 24:13, Rom. 6:16, 8:3-4. Abraham obeyed my commandments, my statute and my laws, Gen. 26:5. We dare not deny that it is God’s will that:  

  • We have no other Gods before Him.
  • That we fashion no graven image in the likeness of human, anything in the heavens, on earth nor under the sea; we should not bow down to them nor serve them.
  • That we do not wantonly use His name.
  • That we remember to respect, honour, rest and keep holy the 7th day of the week which He blessed, sanctified, and made holy, designating it His Sabbath.
  • That we honour and respect our parents
  • That we do not commit murder.
  • That we do not take our neighbour’s wife,
  • that we love our neighbours as ourselves and do not steal from them.
  • That we should not bear false waitress against our neighbour.
  • That we do not covet anything that belong to our neighbour.

Follow me now. Since God so love the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believe {in Him) will have everlasting life, Jn. 3:16; and belief involves trust and trust generates action; Abraham believed God and it was counted to him for righteousness, Gen. 15:6. Because he acted on his belief by obedience to God’s will, v. 7-10. Therefore to believe in Christ, like Abraham, demands action – obeying the commands of Christ; and He said that obedience to His father’s will is the only requirement for an entrance to His father’s kingdom, Matt. 7:21, (above noted); and it was established earlier that God’s will here refers to His commandments, then logic concludes that disobedience spells doom for belief without action, as noted in Jam. 2:26, 1 Jn. 2:4. Furthermore, there is no conflict between God’s law and His grace, Gal. 2:21. One is a requirement, a demand, the other is a gift. Even some who received the gift may still be required to fulfill the demands of the law, Jn. 5:14; 8:11, in order to be justified as righteous.

In conclusion, God’s will circumvent His holy law. One writer said that God’s law is a second gift to man like grace. How true! Jam. 1:22 ,26 says we shouldn’t just listen and hear the word, but we should do it also. Don’t just call ourselves Christians but obey His words, ‘if you love me, keep my commandment’. Which commandment is He talking about? Despite what we may think, the bible is clear, that as far as God is concern, there are only two groups: Those who reflect His character as expressed in His Ten Commandments, Rev. 22:14, and those who have little or no respect for His law. Rev. 22:15 defines this group as dogs, sorcerers, whoremongers, murders, idolaters, and those who love to tell lies. I suspect that this group would include those who preach and teach disrespect for HIS SABBATH.