If your hope lies beyond the grave, this article may interest you. If death is the end of it all for you, then your interest should die here and now.

On the subject of the Lord’s Day, there is no better place to begin but in Genesis chapter 1. There we will find God commencing His work of creation week by naming the days. 1st day, 2nd day, until He arrived at the sixth day, according to the work He performed. At this point, He was satisfied with His work and declared that it was very good, v.31. Having completed six days of labour including the creation of man, God ceased from working and declared the 7th day His rest day. Question! Does God need rest? Not according to Isa. 40:28. God does not need relaxation, He is tireless; so creating this special day, Gen. 2: 2-3, it is unquestionable for the benefit of man.

It’s like a father building a house, for the enjoyment of his family, with all the amenities and security rules necessary for a happy, peaceful and enjoyable life, including His signature rest-day, with a strict warning that disobeying His rules would surely result in their death, Gen. 2: 7. Unspeakably then, the family has an obligation to respect and maintain that house in a manner that brings glory, honour and respect to the father. In fact, as the famiy grew larger, the father reminded them of their obligation to honour His special day, Ex.20: 8-11 and offered them special blessings for doing so, see Isa. 58: 13-14.

It is widely held in the Christian world that Sunday is the Christian Sabbath, although there is no biblical reason for this belief.  However, there are several biblical statements advanced by proponents of this doctrine purportedly in support of their beliefs. Bear with me as I try to analyze some of the most common ones.


This story recorded in Jn. 20: 19-23, clearly states that the disciples, with closed door, were assembled there ‘for fear of the Jews’, (presumably the authorities). No other reason is given nor implied, (be not deceived). It was common practice in Jesus’ days for people to mourn the death of their loved ones who had passed (contrary to our modern-day practice of partying). When Mary found the disciples in this upper room mourning and grieving, and told them that she had spoken with Jesus, they did not believe her story; because earlier visits to the tomb had cast doubt on any resurrection Mk.16: 9-11. How could the disciples be honouring Jesus’ resurrection even before they knew that He was risen for sure? Yet proponents of the Sunday Sabbath hold that this meeting by the disciples ushered in the “Lord’s Day” commemorating His resurrection. Isn’t this devilish reasoning, since the Lord had already appointed, blessed and sanctified the 7th day as His rest day? So man has chosen to rest first before work contrary to God’s design. But wait! Didn’t Jesus order that His followers celebrate His death and resurrection via the communion service? Lk.22: 19.

It was no coincidence that Jesus rose after three days in His tomb, It was prophecied; He told them He would, Matt.12: 40. So it was natural for Him to want to show Himself to His friends as soon as possible; but notice that it was Sunday and He did not find them in the temple praying, but in an upper room hiding and mourning. Furthermore, Acts 1: 13 told us that they lived there, most probably the same upper room where they ate the passover and where Jesus instituted the last supper to commemorate His death and resurrection, Lk.22: 10-12. What is this upper room anyway? Lk.22: 11 defined it as a furnished guest chamber; and the history books told us it’s a room built on roof of houses and used in the summer months where it is cooler than the rest of the dwelling, thus the name upper room or guest chamber. This meeting gives the aura of privacy rather than public.

In Lk. 24: 13-21 we read of two disciples on their way from Jerusalem to Emmaus conversing on the events of the past few days; when they were joined by Jesus. After a somewhat astounding scriptural conversation with Him, they turned back to Jerusalem to inform the disciples, in the upper room, of their encounter with Jesus. Note the phrase, “and besides all this, today is the third day since these things were done” v.21. Does this statement support a Sunday resurrection? Not if we believe Jesus’ words, “For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly, so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth”, Matt. 12: 40.

Jesus’ second appearance on the following Sunday, in the same upper room, again with doors closed strongly suggests that these meetings were more akin to gathering among friends as oppose to public gatherings. Was it unusual for Jesus to meet privately with His twelve friends? Checkout Matt.13: 36, 15: 32, 20: 17, Mk. 8: 1, 12: 43.  Deception is believing that which is not true. It is common practice, even among today’s professing Christians to gather for a solemn private prayer and song service when there is a crisis amongst the brotherhood; and the events of the past weeks were fitting reasons for these meetings. If Jesus had risen on a Thursday, it would be difficult to argue against such gatherings, yet sanctifying Thursday as the Sabbath would seem idiotic.  But it would be presumptuous to argue that Jesus’ second visit on that Sunday was not to convince ‘doubting Thomas’ that He was indeed alive and well, Jn. 20: 26-31.


Don’t be deceived: Listen to three eye witnesses recorded in Jn.20: 1-8. Read it for yourself, noting the time of the morning and that there was no sight of Jesus. The reports of Lk.24: 1-9 and Mk. 16: 1-8 further supports these eye witnesses with the added information that the women saw two angels who reminded them that Jesus had told them earlier in galilee that He would rise on the ‘third day’. Here are His words: “And they shall kill Him and the third day (after the killing) He shall be raised again” Matt. 17: 23.  Did Jesus mean from Friday afternoon to Sunday morning? Not if He is the same Jesus who made all things and without Him there was nothing made, Jn. 1: 3; not if He is the Jesus who defined a day as ‘evening and morning’, Gen. 1: 31; not if He is the Jesus who said “my covenant will I not break nor alter the things that have gone out of my mouth”, Ps. 89: 34; not if He is the Jesus who said, ‘I and my father are one, Jn.10: 30;  as said before, that Jesus said in Matt. 12: 40 that as Jonah was in the whale’s belly for three days and three nights so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. Now read Matt. 28: 1-5. Since Jesus went into the grave on an afternoon, to fulfill Matt. 12: 40, He must rise in an afternoon period as Matthew reported, not a morning. Furthermore, the incident of His Sabbath afternoon resurrection is also evidence that He could not have been crucified on Friday. The day that we chose to worship God directly impacts our relationship with Him, read Gen.2: 2-3; Ex. 20: 8-11; 1 Jn. 2: 4.


We saw where God created, sanctified and made holy the seventh day of creation week Gen. 2: 1-2; where He called the Sabbath His HOLY Day, Isa. 58: 13; where He instructed the children of Israel not to forget to keep it holy; we saw where Jesus claimed lordship over the Sabbath, Mk. 2: 28. He said that He doesn’t change, Mal. 3: 6. Heb.13: 8; and John was mindful of these statements when he wrote, “I was in the spirit on the Lord’s day…” Rev. 1: 10. Furthermore, John spent three and one half years with Jesus, as a student of the Law;  in fact, he was labelled ‘the disciple whom Jesus loved’ Jn. 13: 23, 19: 26;. John was present when Jesus stated that He came not to destroy the Law but to fulfill (establish) it, Matt. 5: 17. With these facts before him, how could John be referring to Sunday as the ‘Lord’s Day? Would he not be challenging God’s statement in Ps. 89: 34? Don’t be deceived.

Nowhere, biblical nor historical is there any record of Christ or His Apostles ever worship on a Sunday. Yet the christian world of today christened Sunday as the ‘Sabbath of the Lord’ contrary to God’s command. Listen to His complaint in Isa. 29: 13 “For as much as this people draw near me with their mouth and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me and their fear (respect) towards me is taught by the laws of men”. Is God saying that the christian world is deceived by it’s own choice? He that said, he abide in Christ must walk also as Christ walked, says 1 Jn. 2: 6.


Paul is known as the apostle to the Gentiles. On which day did he worship God? There is no record that Paul ever taught, spoke to or encouraged the Gentiles against Sabbath worship. The story recorded in Acts 13:14-16 states that Paul and Barnabas worship God on the Sabbath day. When the gentile churches were confused between their obligation to God and Moses law, the council in Jerusalem sent ambassadors, including Paul and Barnabas, with letters of instructions as to what they should avoid; with no mention of a change to Sunday worship, Acts15: 13-29.

Another argument in support of Sunday Sabbath stems from Paul’s instruction to the Corinthian church to store up (for him) their gifts and donations, which they had collected for their less fortunate brethren in Jerusalem, until he blessed them with his presence, 1 Cor.16: 1-2. Here lies one of Satan’s cunning deceptions in his creation of a Sunday Sabbath in the name of Jehovah. It is held that this command by Paul was to prevent the Christians from gathering on the Sunday Sabbath. So it appears, as if to say that the gentile-Christians had embraced the Sunday Sabbath, But consider Paul’s eminent journey to Jerusalem to fellowship with the Saturday-Sabbath church there; and the fact that he embraced the Saturday-Sabbath wherever he went, Acts 18: 21, 20: 16; this argument does not correlate with Paul’s known behaviour. Rather, his instruction undoubtedly suggests a desire to expedite his apparent journey to Jerusalem with minimum delay.

Have we ever wondered why the fourth commandment is the only one of the TEN that enjoy such controversy? Is it not the fact that this is the only one that identifies God as the creator of the world?  Should it be any surprise then that Satan wants to usurp that authority by a challenge to God’s power and sovereignty. He lost that battle in heaven before, Ezk. 28: 2, Isa.14: 12-14, 2 Thes. 2: 4. He won it against Adam, Gen. 3: 17. He lost it against Christ, Matt. 4: 3-11. The final battle to end the war is raging; and Satan has pulled out his best and most dangerous weapon – deception. Ponder these common sayings coming from religionist: The Ten Commandments, including the SABBATH, was given to the nation Israel. The law was nailed to the cross and no longer required for salvation, and any talk of obedience to the Law is legalism; the Pope is God’s Vicar on earth with power to change times, e.g. Saturday to Sunday Sabbath and to forgive sins; God is not interested in the day we rest or worship provided we give Him one day; once saved (by grace) always saved; we are not under the law but under grace; just give me my Jesus.

Now, consider the following statements by Jesus: Think not that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets, I am not come to destroy but to fulfill, till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled, Matt. 5: 17-18. Here are the patience of the saints, here are they that keep (obey) the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus, Rev. 14: 12. Blessed are they that do (obey) His Commandments that they may have right to the tree of life and may enter through the gates into the city, Rev.22: 14. If you love me keep my commandments, Jn. 14: 14. I know that His (my father’s) commandment is everlasting life, Jn.12: 50. God is a spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth, Jn. 4: 24; Not everyone that say unto me, Lord, Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven, but they that do the will of my father which in heaven, Matt.7: 21. Listen to Paul in Rm. 7: 12, “Wherefore the law is holy and just and good”. 

What is truth? All thy commandments are truth, said Ps. 119: 151. The Law of God requires perfect obedience, Jam. 2: 10. Obedience to the law is a characteristic of saints, (true christians) Rev. 12: 17. No need to add that the real issue here is our worship, love and loyalty to Jesus; and scripture made it abundantly clear that this love and loyalty can only be expressed in our obedience to His law, Jn. 14: 14. He that say he love me and keep (obey) not my commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him,1 Jn. 2: 4. Where then, is there any room for compromise, short of deception, after God speaks here?

It is clear that obedience to the Ten commandments is a necessary and a central requisite for a heaven-bound journey. This statement, in no way depreciates the importance of God’s grace. Grace does not free us from our duty to obey the commands of our creator. When we sin, Jesus offers us His grace as an antidote for our disobedience There is no fight between God’s Law and His Grace. Grace may or may not get us on this heaven-bound journey. Consider Jesus’ reply to the thief on the cross seeking mercy, with Jesus’ statements, “Go and sin no more”, Jn. 5: 14 and Lk. 8: 11. All three law-breakers received grace; the first was instantly assured of eternal life, while the other two were required to remain under grace in hope of eternal life.

Did Paul waste his time explaining that once we receive grace we cannot continue in sin hoping for more grace, Rom.6: 1? To the Ephesians he implore them to continue their faith in Christ, the Law Giver and through whom they received grace from the condemnation of eternal death, the penalty for breaking His Law, Eph. 2: 8-10. That faith Paul explained in Heb.11: 4-10 will trigger obedience to the Law. If it doesn’t, generate good works, Jam.2: 20 called that faith dead (by suicide). On which day will God’s people worship Him in the earth made new, Saturday or Sunday?  See Isa 66: 23. Since the bible defines the 7th day as the Sabbath and Jesus claimed lordship over the Sabbath, Matt. 12: 8, it seems devilish and disrespectful to worship God on the 1st, day contrary to His instruction.